Nice programing

Looping through localStorage in HTML5 and JavaScript

nicepro 2020. 10. 11. 11:21

Looping through localStorage in HTML5 and JavaScript

So, I was thinking I could just loop through localStorage like a normal object as it has a length. How can I loop through this?


If I do a localStorage.length it returns 3 which is correct. So I'd assume a loop would work.

I was thinking something like:

for (x in localStorage){

But no avail. Any ideas?

The other idea I had was something like

var split_list = localStorage.getItem(1).split('|');

In which the does work.

You can use the key method. localStorage.key(index) returns the indexth key (the order is implementation-defined but constant until you add or remove keys).

for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++){

If the order matters, you could store a JSON-serialized array:

localStorage.setItem("words", JSON.stringify(["Lorem", "Ipsum", "Dolor"]));

The draft spec claims that any object that supports structured clone can be a value. But this doesn't seem to be supported yet.

EDIT: To load the array, add to it, then store:

var words = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("words"));
localStorage.setItem("words", JSON.stringify(words));

In addition to all the other answers, you can use $.each function from the jQuery library:

$.each(localStorage, function(key, value){

  // key magic
  // value magic


Eventually, get the object with:


The simplest way is:


This works for me in Chrome:

for(var key in localStorage) {

Building on the previous answer here is a function that will loop through the local storage by key without knowing the key values.

function showItemsByKey() {
   var typeofKey = null;
   for (var key in localStorage) {
       typeofKey = (typeof localStorage[key]);
       console.log(key, typeofKey);

If you examine the console output you will see the items added by your code all have a typeof string. Whereas the built-in items are either functions { [native code] } or in the case of the length property a number. You could use the typeofKey variable to filter just on the strings so only your items are displayed.

Note this works even if you store a number or boolean as the value as they are both stored as strings.

All of these answers ignore the differences between the implementations of localStorage across browsers. Contributors in this domain should heavily qualify their responses with the platforms they are describing. One browser-wide implementation is documented at and, whilst very powerful, only contains a few core methods. Looping through the contents requires an understanding of the implementation specific to individual browsers.

localStorage is an Object.

We can loop through it with JavaScript for/in Statement just like any other Object.

And we will use .getItem() to access the value of each key (x).

for (x in localStorage){

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